Find Something You’re Passionate About

We all have passions – some long-lived, some fleeting, some that pass as quickly as we conjure them but the reality of following a passion, means that you must be able to live and breathe and sleep that passion without getting that passion waning. 

To create a business from your passion takes moxy, takes an awful lot of motivation, confidence and ignorance to achieve. You have to believe in what you’re doing, believe in yourself, stay optimistic about the future of your business and of yourself while allowing yourself to a be a little bit ignorant to the negative things that try to creep in – things like financial burden, other people’s opinions and that nagging voice inside your head telling you you’re not good enough or that it’s too hard, that you’re going to fail. 

To follow a passion into business is an extraordinarily courageous thing and your biggest battle will be to remain as passionate about it as the day you went into it because when your passion for it wanes, it will be so evident to your clientele. 

Find something you’re passionate about and stay tremendously interested in it. Follow it  and allow it to grow. Grow with your passion and you’ll find ways to learn from it and be inspired by it every day.

JAGGAR International

JAGGAR International is the ultimate resource for the discerning, ambitious woman. It seeks to inspire and motivate young women into their careers, to help them build self confidence and go confidently in the direction of their dreams. It seeks to mentor young women and seasoned female executives in the pursuit of success and entrepreneurship.

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