We all love to do other stuff in our free time. Interests like cooking, painting, writing, hiking, reading, etc. are a few we can relate to. But there is always something we actually take out time to do. For instance, you love to head outside and click photos on weekends or explore new places and its food. These are not mere interests but your passion as you feel satisfied and happy doing it. How great will it be if you can get up every morning to grow your passion and also be able to make some bucks from it?
If you have a passion which really drives your energy and efforts to make you happy, why not make it your career? Here are some ways to get your passion your profession.
Time to get noticed
When you decide to pursue your passion, right set of people should notice you and your work. You should have a plan to build a network. Use social networking sites, have your own website to showcase work, talk to people about what your plan and offer volunteer projects to get into the market. By creating a network and reaching out to people who can help you professionally, you brighten your chances of a bright career. This way, you will also get a clear idea whether this career change will be fruitful or not.
Build a portfolio
Having a collection of your work gives your passion a face. It is also an excellent way to make recruiter understand what you do and what you look for. As you’ll build your profile, you will get an overview of how your skills are improving and what more you can do to be in the competition. A good portfolio will earn you brownie points and showcase quality than quantity in your experience when you start looking for permanent positions.
Get a job
Finding a job when you switch careers is tough. You will start as a fresher and may have seniority and financial complications. But unlike many, things will be brighter for you with a good network and an enhanced portfolio backing up your efforts. Also, try not to waste time finding a perfect role. Pick up a position which requires you to challenge your passion in different ways. This way you’ll learn what all you can do with your new-found love.
Volunteer, Practice, Do not stop!
When you have officially established your new choice, have a job and started delivering excellence, you will be proud of your hard work and determination. You will be get up every day to do a job you love. Saying this, work might feel dull, boring or monotonous at times. Don’t let this change your attitude towards work. Keep trying new things which require you to look at your work positively. You may volunteer, practice at home (if possible) or improve your current way of doing the job. The aim is to grow and never look back.
It takes a lot of risk and courage to switch careers, to follow what you love and the toughest is to stick to your decision.
It is time you push limits to start living for your passion.
JAGGAR International
JAGGAR International is the ultimate resource for the discerning, ambitious woman. It seeks to inspire and motivate young women into their careers, to help them build self confidence and go confidently in the direction of their dreams. It seeks to mentor young women and seasoned female executives in the pursuit of success and entrepreneurship.